I noticed that last week’s Impartial reported that the new Chief Executive of the Western Health Trust could get a salary of up to £139,000 a year. 
Nice work, if you can manage a budget deficit, and even more impressive than the £110,000 that the Chief Executive of Fermanagh and Omagh Council (reportedly) gets.
They’re not far behind the British Prime Minister, whose salary is £150K, but then I’d imagine that our locals have a little more job security. (Though not, unfortunately, the potential to go around after they leave picking up millions for making speeches and such like.)
Salaries of civil servants are in the news again with the UK Taxpayers Alliance reporting that 539 Townhall “fat cats” earned more than the Prime Minister last year and thousands more came close by taking home more than £100K.
Meanwhile, Council workers, nurses and the rest are struggling to make ends meet, and their numbers are tighter because of cuts.
I know which group of people I’d rather my rates would go towards. That’s if they ever sort out our rates bills.