The speaker at the Ballinamallard Twelfth, the Rev. Alan Irwin, a Deputy Grand Lecturer, told those present in the meeting field that it was time to go back to the basics of Biblical Christianity.

"Back to the distinctiveness of Biblical Christianity, as many appear caught up in the confusion and complicated lifestyles that give a perceived appearance of respectability and power," he told them.

"The pontificating and innuendoes surrounding the controversial decision to build a Peace Building and Conflict Resolution Centre in close proximity to the former Maze prison near Lisburn lacks any level of respect, understanding and sensitivity towards innocent victims of terrorism. One wonders why those who claim to stand up for the innocent victims of terrorism can so easily forget their promises by throwing their backing behind such a controversial issue," he stated.

"It was blatantly obvious that there would be opposition to such a proposal, just as there would be if the decision had been to build it on the site of a former army base or RUC station. Is there some hidden agenda, secret deal upon which all this hinges on?

"If there is any level of truth then it must be buried in the myre of pontificating and innuendoes. It appears that common decency, moral values have become some weird concept that for the present is seemingly unacceptable to any right thinking society, not least here in Northern Ireland.

"We have erred and strayed from God's ways, we have followed our own desires, prestige, power is of more importance and in the process to our great shame we have neglected God's word," he said encouraging everyone to get back to essentials and to those previously held values of decency.

The Rev. Irwin said that a friend said recently that a nation that choose to neglect its basic foundations which was built on Christian principles, was a nation that was on the road to destruction.

"As an institution it is our desire to stir up in the hearts and minds, not just of our membership but of everyone those foundational principles, the truths and lessons contained within scripture," he added.

Mt. Irwin also touched on the G8 saying that the Summit had come and gone, the hopes, aspirations of whether or not it will deliver on its assurances, what its legacy would be remained to be seen. But he said the supremacy of scripture, the enduring word of God was the lasting legacy that had the power to deliver more, the power to change and transform lives.

He told members that they needed to rely on the word of God to stand against evil.