FERMANAGH District Council’s acquisition of the old Erne Hospital site is expected to be complete by early Spring 2015.

According to a spokeswoman for the Western Trust, conveyance matters are currently being addressed by solicitors representing all parties involved, with a view for completion of sale by next Spring.

In February this year South West College submitted a draft business plan proposing that it moves to the location in a bid to address its accommodation needs for the future.

It is anticipated the site, proposed by the Council to be developed as a public sector hub for the County, could cost £1 million, with the Council paying £0.5 million and the South West College meeting the balance of the acquisition costs through a lease premium.

According to a spokeswoman for the Council, the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service (NIAS) are currently constructing a “new purpose built building for their use as they are remaining on this site”.

Surveys commissioned by the Western Trust have indicated that some areas within the Erne Hospital buildings include asbestos containing materials. As a “dutyholder” the Trust says it is required to manage asbestos in accordance with the Control of Asbestos Regulations.

“In this respect the Trust is adhering to all statutory requirements,” says its spokeswoman, “The works required to remove the asbestos is currently the subject of a procurement exercise which includes the demolition of buildings on site.

“The project is progressing through the procurement stages and all measures are being taken to ensure compliance with environmental protection issues.” According to the Western Trust spokeswoman, ‘a small team’ of security personnel currently remains employed by the Trust to maintain security on site. “It is anticipated that this arrangement will cease in August 2014 when a Contractor is appointed to carry out the demolition and site clearance,” she said.

Last August the Director of South West College, Malachy McAleer told the Impartial Reporter he was working to a timetable that would see the campus transfer to the Erne site by early 2018.

According to his timescale he envisioned that by mid-2014: the Department for Employment and Learning (DEL) would have approved the college’s Business Case; South West College would have bought the land off the Council; and that the college would be ready to appoint an architect, which he believed would take six months.

This week a spokeswoman said the 2018 timescale was still feasible, even when the new Super Council is officially established next year.

“The new Council will continue work on projects that the previous Councils had begun,” said the Council spokeswoman.