AN ANATOMICAL PUZZLE: ‘Where did the dog bite you?’ Mr. Cooper, MP, asked a witness from Ballydoolagh at Enniskillen Petty Sessions on Monday. The reply was: ‘He cut me on the back end of June.’



A Dublin printing firm is at present engaged on the printing of the Bible in the Irish language, but its completion may not take many years. The undertaking is a huge one for a Dublin house. It is of interest that one of the two translators engaged on the work is Mr. George Irvine, at one time a Captain in the Irish Republican Army, and who disappeared from the limelight as a ‘soldier’ after the insurrection of 1916. Mr. Irvine is an Enniskillener, and lived when a boy with his mother in East Bridge Street, where she kept a little second hand bookshop on the site of where the left half of Mr. T. Nelson’s shop at present stands.



This Mr. Geo. Irvine is the same Mr. Irvine who was selected by the Sinn Feiners to fight North Fermanagh, but because he happened to be a Protestant the Nationalists would not have him, and, to heal the breach, Mr. Kevin O’Shiel was selected, and was defeated after a strenuous fight by E.M. Archdale MP, by 500 votes.

Mr. Irvine is an old Portoran, and had a distinguished school career. When he went to Dublin he taught in the Church of Ireland Diocesan School, which post he occupied up till the time of the rebellion, many of his teachings in class being resented by the boys of the school who were ardent loyalists.

Mr. Irvine is still a Protestant, though a very ‘high churchman,’ for I myself have seen his gyrations at worship in a Dublin Church. He now attends service at a church in Rathmines, and when the rector comes to the prayer for the King, Mr. Irvine leaves his pew, which is in the forepart of the church, and walks out, returning at the conclusion of the prayers for the Royal Family.

A lady doctor, another ardent ‘Shinner’, sometimes accompanies Mr. Irvine on these theatrical trips.

Such conduct is in direct opposition to the teachings of the Christ whom Mr. Irvine and others like him profess to worship and to obey.