Arlene Foster


Arlene Foster is a former First Minister of Northern Ireland and DUP leader. She is currently a presenter on GB News.

Arlene Foster is a former First Minister of Northern Ireland and DUP leader. She is currently a presenter on GB News.

Latest articles from Arlene Foster

Arlene Foster: So, what next for our area now represented by a Sinn Féin ‘blow-in’?

The great Star Wars actor, Mark Hamill, once said: “Everything has changed. Nothing has changed.” That is as good a phrase as any to sum up the general election’s results last week. Yes, sure we have a new government elected – with a stonking majority, only slightly behind that of the Blair government of 1997 – but that said government has been elected with only 34 per cent of the popular vote.

Arlene Foster: UUP has sabotaged chance to take seat back for Unionism

And so, we’re off. The general election has been called by the Prime Minister and it looks like he has taken everyone by surprise. I was in Westminster when the buzz started last Wednesday morning, and as I was free at noon, I decided to go in and listen to Prime Minister’s Questions.

Arlene Foster: Refusal to accept King’s portrait raises questions for Sinn Féin

Well, well, well, that didn’t take long, did it? The great reach out by Sinn Féin to those of us who are proud Royalists was a bit of a flash in the pan. It appears the Republicans were happy to travel to Westminster Abbey for the King’s Coronation and absorb all the pomp and ceremony as interested onlookers – but don’t ask them to accept a free portrait of said King. No, no, that would be a step too far.