Kerrie Flood


Kerrie Flood is Development Manager at Fermanagh Women's Aid.

Kerrie Flood is Development Manager at Fermanagh Women's Aid.

Latest articles from Kerrie Flood

Kerrie Flood: More than 70 per cent of Woman’s Aid cases never make it to PPS

Blackstone’s ratio, “It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer”, is as alive in the comments section on social media today as it was in ‘Commentaries on the Laws of England’ in the 1760s. It should go without saying that not one of us would ever wish to see innocent people being wrongly convicted.

Kerri Flood: Exploring the many reasons why abused women may turn to drink

Like many of you, I read Maud Clarke’s harrowing interview (‘Breaking the Silence’) in The Impartial Reporter on May 9. As she detailed the consequences of one man’s actions for her and her family, I thought of the many women who exist in the aftermath of trauma. This week, I want to talk about women and why we drink.