There was singing, dancing, and colour galore at the Enniskillen Integrated Primary School on Friday as staff and pupils came together to show the wonderful talent in the school as part of their 30th anniversary celebrations.

The doors of the Primary School opened in September 1989 and with March being Integrated Education Month, the school wanted to do something special, and so the idea of making a ‘Lip Dub’ was put forward by the children.

The school had made one many years ago but this time the children wanted to tell a story.

And that is just what they did.

“The children were very keen to send out the message that it is OK to be who you are – This is Me,” explained Adele Kerr, Enniskillen Integrated principal. “Bullying, with a focus on online bullying, is not acceptable and no matter how alone you feel look around as there is someone there to help you. As a staff we were overwhelmed with the clarity and maturity of the children’s ideas and the message they wanted to send.

“We are an accredited Anti-Bullying School with very active Anti-Bullying Ambassadors – these children wrote the storyboard for the song and decided on what they wanted the focus to be. This was facilitated by our Year 6 teacher Miss Marie Cox.”

In 2019, the focus for Integrated education is perspectives and through the Lip Dub the pupils and staff were able to learn new skills that gave them a different perspective to life.

“We included Makaton Signing in the song. Every child in the school was taught this by one of our teachers, Mrs Alicia Black.

“The signing was a nod by our children to acknowledge how to communicate in a different way, from a different perspective. It also provided opportunities for our older children to work with our youngest children to practice signing.”

And on Friday it all came together in the school as all the practicing paid off.

“The children were beyond excited and as every single one of them participated it was inclusive and they all had ownership of it. This type of activity requires a full team approach and a willingness for it to work. Although the everyday routine of school went out the window on the lead up to Friday it will be an experience the children will remember for the rest of their lives.”