The grouped parishes of Priory Church, Killadeas and St. Michael's Church, Trory successfully implemented the first part of their 'Christmas is not cancelled' strategy as they hosted their Outdoor Family Farmyard Nativity on Saturday.

The fully outdoor event began at the Manor House Hotel and then proceeded to Killadeas Church. The 30 minute experience allowed families to travel around in bubbles released at intervals to allow for social distancing. Parents then read the script of the nativity as families walked around.

Rector for Trory and Killadeas, Rev Mark Gallagher said: " This event is part of our combined parish umbrella ‘Christmas is not cancelled’ strategy. Two of the events which all parishes, families, and even those who enjoy coming out to church just at Christmas look forward to every year are the Carol Service and the Nativity Play.

"With this in mind, and knowing that a second lockdown was highly likely, the last few months were spent planning how to keep the essence of these services, but moving them outdoors, but still in the vicinity of the churches.

"The move out of the church building means, as with everything this year, it has to be the same, but different. Making a virtue out of necessity, we have kept the essence of the services, but changed the detail.

"Carols by candlelight becoming carols by runway light, and role reversal in the nativity, adults dressing as characters while (grand)parents read the story to their families as they walk round and find the characters at various points. As a group of parishes, we anticipate these events with excitement and eagerness quite befitting of Advent, and the anticipation of our Lord’s Nativity."