A “HAPPY, content little baby” was dramatically born to Fermanagh parents on their front lawn in Brisbane on December 9, with baby Michael Leavey joining proud parents, Emmett (31) and Lisa Leavey née Doran (33) before they could reach the hospital.

Michael came into the world unexpectedly on the family's front lawn as his mum, Lisa, explained to The Impartial Reporter.

She said: “During the day, I noticed I was having a few niggles and put it down to Braxton Hicks contractions.

"I kept myself busy throughout the day, and noticed I was getting some mild cramps, so we decided to leave my two-year-old son, Sean, at a friend’s place.

“I knew labour can take a while, so I just pottered around the house, and at nine o'clock we rang the hospital, letting them know we were on our way."

Lisa thought she had plenty of time to get to the hospital, but baby Michael had other ideas.

She continued: “When I walked outside to the car, I realised Michael was in a huge rush to meet us, and there was no way I was getting into the car.

"Emmett tried to get me back into the house, but baby Michael was born within minutes and arrived right there on our front lawn!"

Dad, Emmett, helped deliver the baby while on the phone to paramedics from the hospital.

Lisa said: “He thought I was joking when I told him the baby was coming. I could not move, and had a huge urge to push, and within two pushes, baby Michael was out."

Emmett caught the baby and checked Michael over as they waited for the paramedics, who soon arrived at the family home, checked Michael, and then Emmett cut the umbilical cord.

When asked if she panicked, Lisa said: “There was no time to panic, and we were both so relieved to hear baby Michael cry. We consider ourselves extremely lucky that everything went okay.”

The couple hope to bring their two boys home to Fermanagh to visit their grandparents, Josie and Conor Doran (Newtownbutler), and Seamus Leavey (Derrylin), at some point in the future.

Lisa said their family in Fermanagh were “delighted to hear everything went okay, and that Michael is happy and healthy”.

Baby Michael will now settle into Australian life alongside his big brother, and their doting parents, who have been residents in Australia for the past nine years.