BALLINAMALLARD Primary School pupils recently took part in cycling skills sessions aimed at equipping children with the skills and knowledge of how to cycle competently and confidently.

This is part of the school’s involvement in the Sustrans Active School Travel programme, which works towards getting more families active on the school run.

The schoolchildren were all smiles as they took part in the session on Thursday, December 17, ahead of the school breaking up for the Christmas holidays.

Safety was of the upmost importance, with each child wearing a helmet as they took part in the sessions on the school playground. Although the weather was dry, warm coats were required to combat the Winter chill.

During the session, which was led by Ann-Marie Cox from Sustrans Cycle Skills, accompanied by school Principal Christina McEldowney, the pupils focused on improving balance, co-ordination and cycling awareness – the all-important skills needed for cycling to school.