THIS year, as people cannot gather together for the Oak Healthy Living Centre's usual Darkness Into Light fundraising and awareness event in Lisnaskea, organisers are asking all supporters to don their yellow t-shirts – old or new – and take part in the event at a time and in a location that suits them.
Every year, Darkness Into Light brings people together at pre-dawn meeting points all across the island of Ireland, and at similar gatherings all across the world, with participants then walking together to greet the sunrise and a new day – all in a bid to remember those lost to suicide, and to also highlight that there is always help and support for anyone struggling with any self-harm ideation.
With the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, organisers of such events have had to alter their usual gatherings, but are keen to get the message out that there are still many events going on, and that there is always support available for those that need it.
A spokeswoman for Oak Healthy Living Centre said: “This year you can choose how you would like to take part in this special sunrise event – walk, run, swim or bike in your local area, or simply share your sunrise moment from your home or garden.
“Remember that this can be done at any time of the day on May 8."
Oak Healthy Living Centre is encouraging everyone to get creative with their activity for this year's Darkness Into Light.
"Remember that no matter how you choose to take part this year, you will be giving the gift of hope to those in our communities who are in suicidal crisis or self-harming, and supporting those who have lost a loved one to suicide," said the spokeswoman.
In Lisnaskea, for the weekend of Darkness Into Light, from Friday, May 7 to Monday, May 10, there will be a reflection area in the market yard (beside the Bank of Ireland), where the event’s traditional 'Tree of Hope' will be erected, providing an opportunity for people to write a personal message and post on the tree.
There will also be resources and support leaflets which people can take home with them.
"We are encouraging people to take time out to visit the reflection area over the weekend, and to also remember social distancing guidelines," added the spokeswoman.
Those taking part in this year's alternative event are being encouraged to take lots of pictures and 'Sunrise Selfies' from wherever they are, and of whatever activity they decide to do, and to post them to the Facebook page, ‘Darkness Into Light Lisnaskea’, to help promote and create awareness that ‘you are not alone’ – a core message of Darkness Into Light.
“We at the Oak Healthy Living Centre take this opportunity to thank the community for your generosity and support over the years, and look forward to continuing to work with you in providing mental health and wellbeing initiatives," said the Oak Healthy Living Centre spokeswoman.
It's important that people are aware of suicide or self-harm supports available locally.
You can access up to date information on courses available, which are open to everyone, at The Oak Healthy Living Centre’s Facebook page, or by ringing the centre at 0286 772 3843.
You can register or donate to Darkness Into Light via