PSNI District Support Team officers assisted detectives in the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) by locating two vehicles wanted in relation to several recent burglaries around Fermanagh. A PSNI spokesman said: "Our eagle-eyed officers spotted the vehicles in different locations, despite poor attempts by the culprits to hide them out of sight!

"One of these vehicles contained several thousand pounds-worth of tools and garden equipment, which will be returned to their rightful owners in the near future." Forensic enquiries are ongoing at present.

"If you are a victim of one of these burglaries, please be patient as we build our case to bring offenders to justice. We will be in touch," said the PSNI spokesman.

He added: “This is a timely reminder to secure your tools and farm equipment inside, lock your outbuildings as well as closing or locking gates to farmyards, lanes and driveways. Criminals are always on the look-out for an easy steal.

“Our District Crime Prevention Officer is always keen to offer advice and if anyone would like to avail of a free visit to their farm, yard or home, get in touch via 101.”