Fermanagh and Omagh District Council are seeking “further clarity” in regards to social distancing requirements and if live music performances will be permitted when The Ardhowen Theatre in Enniskillen is allowed to reopen this summer.

An indicative date of June 21 has been set for the return of audiences in theatres, concert halls and other venues, as well as the return of conferences and exhibitions. However this indicative date is subject to review.

This week, The Impartial Reporter asked the Council the following questions regarding the reopening of the theatre:

- Do you have a prospective date for the reopening of the theatre now?

- How many seats will be available for use due to social distancing when the theatre reopens?

- Will 2m or 1m social distancing be implemented?

Live music

This newspaper understands that live music is still not allowed in licensed premises and it is uncertain yet as to when this ban will be lifted. As the Ardhowen is a licensed premises, how will this impact the theatre and the types of performances it can host when it is allowed to reopen?

A spokesman for the Council responded: “Fermanagh and Omagh District Council has sought further clarity with respect to the reopening of theatres including the social distancing requirements and any preclusions on live music.

“The Council will issue a statement and give full programme details when clarity is given”