THE human body produces harmful free radicals – short-lived uncharged molecules – in response to activity, which are released into the bloodstream and contribute to the damage we associate with ageing.

We produce more free radicals when our body is exposed to stress, poor diet, pollution, cigarette smoke and exercise.

It is both unfortunate and ironic that the more we exercise, the more prone we are to free radical damage, and ageing of the body.

Antioxidants protect the body from free radical damage and many of us are already aware of the fact that eating a diet rich in antioxidants helps to maintain better health.

Some of the most potent antioxidants in foods are called 'anthocyanins' and these are the pigments that give purple and red fruit and vegetables their colour.

Anthocyanins are known to exert powerful antioxidant effects on the body and are rich in fruits such as blackberries, blueberries, cherries and pomegranates.

Cherries in particular contain some of the highest levels of anthocyanins, and sour cherries (Montmorency) are much richer in them than the more familiar sweet cherries that are used in baking.

CherryActive concentrate is derived from 100% quality Montmorency cherries and contains nothing else.

The antioxidant activity of a food is measured by its ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) level – for example, a banana has an ORAC level of 703 units, and a portion of broccoli 1089 units, but a portion of CherryActive juice has a level of 8,260 units!

This makes CherryActive one of the most potent antioxidants available to us.

Due to its high antioxidant content, CherryActive possesses high anti-inflammatory properties and may be beneficial for people suffering from wear and tear joint pain and arthritis.

It also helps to maintain healthy uric acid levels in the blood and is particularly effective in helping to provide relief from the pain of gout.

Gout results from an acid-rich diet and used to be referred to as “a rich man’s disease”, as it was associated with a diet rich in red meat and red wine, and the pain of gout used to be confined to inflammation of the big toe.

Our modern day diet rich in highly-processed and high-acid food means that gout is now much more commonplace and is no longer confined to those who can afford to eat rich food, nor is it confined to pain in the big toe, but is more widespread throughout the body.

Many people have high uric acid blood levels and that can often lead to the resulting inflammation and pain of gout.

CherryActive also helps with recovery post-exercise and is used by many athletes, especially runners.

The antioxidant-rich juice helps to reduce any lactic acid build up in the blood created as a result of exercise and so protects from the pain and inflammation that high lactic acid levels can cause.

Cherry juice is also naturally high in potassium – a mineral which conducts electrical impulses throughout the body.

This mineral helps to maintain blood pressure, heart rate, hydration, muscle recovery, nerve impulses, and PH balance, all of which are very important to control and bring back into balance post-exercise.

Montmorency cherries also contain a natural source of melatonin, the hormone produced by the brain to regulate sleep.

Studies have shown that CherryActive taken at bedtime improves both the quality and quantity of sleep.

This is why if you decide to take CherryActive, it is recommended that you take your 30ml serving an hour before bedtime.

Whatever your reason for taking CherryActive, a more restful night’s sleep will always be an added bonus.