THE fields around Derryad, Lisnaskea were a hive of activity in the recent summer sun as man, woman and machine worked together to make hay.

In a county when weather like we experienced two weeks ago comes around all too seldom, the scorching heat did not put off those involved.

Maureen Crudden was hard at work on a Massey Ferguson 35x while Kevin Crudden loaded hay on the buckrake to move from the field.

On his 1952 Ferguson T20 Diesel tractor with a Mads Amby Hay Flash attached, Kevin was rowing up the hay ready for it to be baled.

Cahar and Oran McBrien were also busy in the field.

Cahar was on board his 1974 Ford 4000 with a New Holland baler as it travelled up and down the field churning out square bales, while Oran was put to work stacking the bales with Kevin.

It was a team effort to get all the hay lifted and stacked, and the team, alongside their trusted machinery, put in some hard graft under a sweltering summer sun in an idyllic setting in Fermanagh.

And it was in good time that the field was cut and baled, for as is all too common the glorious weather did not last long in Fermanagh, and the week of sunshine, blue skies and light breezes was quickly replaced by heavy rainfall, high winds and a sudden drop in temperatures.

However, by that stage, Kevin, Maureen, Caher and Oran had the work all wrapped up, thanks to their hard work out in the fields under the hot sun.