DESPITE the success of the vaccines’s roll-out, Covid-19 remains a burning issue, with Department of Health figures showing that the current rate of infection in Northern Ireland is significantly higher than in England, Scotland, Wales and the Republic.

This week, we have seen some local businesses forced to close their doors because high numbers of their staff have been required to isolate.

The harsh reality is that we are approaching another autumn and a new school year, and Covid has not gone away.

Most people who suffer from Covid do not require hospitalisation, but the duration and symptoms of their illness vary widely.

For some people, symptoms are no more than that of a cold, while others are ill for weeks, suffering with breathlessness, headaches, muscle and joint pain, and fever.

Some people recover from Covid within a few days, while others have symptoms that continue for several weeks.

Added to this is Long Covid, where symptoms persist long after the sufferer has been infected, and for an unknown duration of time.

Long Covid presents as a variety of symptoms that may overlap or replace each other, the more common of which include breathlessness, a persistent cough, headaches, chronic fatigue and ‘brain fog’.

The lungs are the organ of your body most likely to be affected by Long Covid.


Our body’s ability to fight Covid-19 depends on the strength of our immunity at the time of exposure, and it is as important as ever that we continue to support our body’s immune defences.

A lifestyle that strives to incorporate a healthy diet, regular exercise, reduced stress and a good sleep pattern promotes good immunity.

A healthy and rested body and mind will strengthen our ability to fight coronaviruses.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, many people have chosen to further protect their immune system with supplementation.

During the first lockdown, scientific research indicated that Vitamin D, Vitamin C and Zinc all help to boost our immunity in the fight against Covid-19.

So too do nutrients such as Betaglucans, Echinacea, Elderberry and Astralagus, while Quercetin has been proven useful in treating the inflammation associated with Covid.

Dr. Wolz Immun Select Capsules is an all-in-one immune-supporting supplement which helps maintain strong immunity against Covid and is also useful in treating the symptoms of Long Covid.

Immun Select is an innovative combination of five nutrients which support both gut and blood immunity, while also helping to reduce our inflammatory response.

The five nutrients within Immun Select are all sourced from live organic matter, and this enhances their activity within the human body.

The body’s response to Immun Select is often fast and effective.

Immun Select contains Betaglucans, which act on the white blood cells of our immune system, keeping them alert and ready for attack.

It contains good gut bacteria, which promote and strengthen our gut immunity, and Vitamin C and Zinc, which further enhance our immune system.

Immune process

Zinc is an important mineral used in the immune process by which we fight viral infection and is a mineral that many of us are deficient in.

Vitamin C is well documented for its benefit on our immunity, and is also a good natural anti-inflammatory.

Quercetin, the final nutrient in Immune Select, works as a potent natural antihistamine and anti-inflammatory within the human body.

One of the main and concerning symptoms of Covid-19 is its inflammatory response within the body, particularly within the lungs.

Sufferers often report a difficulty in breathing. The more we dampen our inflammatory and histamine response, the better our bodies may be able to cope if Covid strikes.

Immun Select may be useful for people who want to further support their body’s immune defences as we move into another school year with Covid still very much on the agenda.

Immune supplementation came to the fore when the pandemic first broke out, and still now, even with vaccination, there is a huge benefit to be gained in continuing to protect your immunity with supplements.