Farmers are reminded by the Livestock and Meat Commission that when moving animals to mart or factory it is important to check the Farm Quality Assurance(FQ) status before moving. This can be done via

the APHIS system.

This will ensure that when the animals reach their destination the producer is aware of their FQ status.

Participants of FQAS must ensure that they are FQ approved for the species they wish to sell or slaughter, for, example - if the producer is approved for beef only and purchases store lambs for slaughter

then the producer must ensure they get approved for sheep.

To be approved for beef and sheep both species must be present on the farm at the time of inspection. Failure to check this,can result in non-FQ status of animals presented for selling or slaughter.

If you are only approved for one species e.g. beef and would like to be assured for sheep you must contact NIFCC on (028 92633017) to organise an inspection for that species.

It is important when purchasing cattle from other farms that the buyer checks the Farm Quality Assurance status of the seller’s herd. If a farmer purchases cattle from a suspended herd that animal will lose its ‘FQ’ status and will have to remain on an assured farm(s) for 90 consecutive days to regain its ‘FQ’ status.

Issues will also occur when a bovine animal has moved off a farm in the 90 days prior to the herd becoming assured. If, for example, a herd becomes approved, the general rule is that all cattle residing on that farm for 90 days or more will have an animal status of ‘FQ’.

If however an animal is moved out of the herd prior to becoming assured and subsequently returns that animal will have to spend 90 days on farm before it regains ‘FQ’ status.

Similarly, if a herd becomes suspended, an animal’s FQ status is temporarily removed from APHIS/NIFAIS. Irrespective of their destination, if cattle are permitted out of the herd during this period of suspension and subsequently return, the full residency period must be completed in order to achieve FQ status.