THE Erne hospital has won the vital first round in the battle to keep its maternity unit. At a meeting on Tuesday, the Health Board’s management unit decided that Omagh and Fermanagh should have just one maternity unit – improved to give a better service – and they recommended that this combined unit should be at the Erne Hospital in Enniskillen.

The campaigners for the Erne are delighted with the decision, claiming that the expert who looked at the issue objectively has vindicated their claims that the facts showed Enniskillen was the venue best suited. But they are also warning that this is just the “first round” and the campaign battle must be kept up.

This recommendation now goes to the full Western Health and Social Services Board and eventually on to the Minister. A spokesman for the Maternity Action Committee said: “We’re absolutely delighted! But this is just the first hurdle, the fight must continue.”

The Omagh and Fermanagh Hospital and Community Service Unit has been reviewing maternity services at the Tyrone County and Erne Hospitals.

It was asked to look into the service by the Board after it received a circular from the Health Department on the future of maternity units in the Province. The Department said each unit should have between 2-2,500 deliveries per year. Both Erne and Omagh have less than 1,000 per annum.