AT LISNASKEA Guardians, a letter was read from the Ministry of Home Affairs of Northern Ireland, relative to the payment of fees to medical practitioners for assisting the Union Medical Officers in consultations, and in the performance of operations.

It seemed that these fees – sometimes for a very considerable amount – must impose a financial liability upon the ratepayers unless systematic efforts are made to recover from the patients or their relatives, according to their ability, the whole or portion of the cost.

In order that the Ministry may be in a position to estimate how the rates are affected by these services, they requested to be furnished with a statement showing the amount of expenditure incurred in the Union in respect of the payment of such fees, and the amount recovered from the patients or their relatives.

Clerk – We are working with Dail Eireann, and not with Belfast.

Mr. Kirkpatrick – I cannot understand why Dail Eireann should insist on doing business outside their own area until that area is changed.

Mr. Wadsworth (to the Clerk) – You should do what they do in Derry: send the Minutes to both parties.

Clerk – I have enough to do.

Mr. Wadsworth – You have a great eye on your own job.

Mr. Kirkpatrick said some arrangement should be come to on this matter. It seemed to him that Dail Eireann was bound to work within its own division until that division was altered.

Mr. Wadsworth – Will you give me a passport into the Free State?

Mr.Kirkpatrick – If you are put into the Free State that would be all right.

Mr. Wadsworth – When I go over the Border to represent the Board at the Arbitration, they might treat me as a foreigner and kidnap me. If they do, I will be entitled to claim compensation as I shall be doing the business of the Board of Guardians.

Mr. Kirkpatrick (to the Clerk) – If I were you I would write to the Minister of Home Affairs, stating that having regard to the resolution on the books deciding to transact the business with Dail Eireann, you cannot furnish them with a reply to their queries. That will take you out of the difficulty.

Clerk – I had to give the auditor a certificate to that effect.

The matter dropped.