A new publication has finally uncovered Fermanagh's hidden history, covering a period of up to 9,000 years.

Published by the Department of the Environment, the book, 'Archaeological Objects from County Fermanagh', by Brian Williams (second left), of the DOE Environment and Heritage Service, and Sarah Gormley (second right) of Queen's University, was formally launched in the Fermanagh County Museum, Enniskillen.

"This book brings one thousand insights into Fermanagh's history into the light of day of this 21st Century.

"It is a glittering record of past times stretching back as far back as 6,000 BC," said Sam Foster (right), MLA and former Minister of the Environment at the launch.

Evidence has been found to indicate how people in the area hunted, fished and farmed with tools of stone and metal.

Fermanagh's rediscovered ancient weapons of war, including arrowheads, javelins, spears and swords, demonstrate that troubled times have long been an aspect of the human experience.

Some of the objects were on display at the launch in the museum.