The Publicity Department of Dáil Éireann, under the heading ‘Partial List of Outrages Committed in County Fermanagh by the Specials’, has issued the following:

1. Caldragh Bridge on the road leading from Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh to Swanlinbar, Co. Cavan, was destroyed by ‘B’ men, with assistance from ‘A’ Specials at Derrylin, on Monday night, March 6. They were seen by the police in the locality.

2. Glasdrummond Bridge, on the lower road, Strawgowna Cross to Swanlinbar, was destroyed on the night of March 6 by ‘B’ men from the locality.

3. On Monday 13, the ‘A’ Specials stationed at Drumshamuck, Derrylin, cut a trench in the road between Derrylin and Ballyconnell, on the border of Fermanagh of eight feet by three. Were seen to go to and from the place. The road is now impassable.

4. The house of Patrick Carleton, cycle mechanic, of Paget Square, Enniskillen, was broken into on Tuesday morning, March 14, at about three o’clock. Front window of shop entirely demolished. Six weeks previously, his bedrooms on the second floor were riddled with bullets, and his children and he escaped by getting on the floor. Enniskillen is now patrolled by large guards of ‘B’ men at night.

5. Mr. John Cassidy, ‘Co. C.,’ Carrigan, Enniskillen, was blindfolded by ‘B’ men at Ashwoods on the night of March 5 and then searched. It was thought that some of his neighbours were amongst the searchers.

6. On Thursday, February 9, the ‘B’ Specials came into Drumskinny School, Ederney, where there was an Irish class in progress. Most of those present were children. Rev. Wm. O’Brien, C.C. who was teaching, was searched.

7. On Saturday, February 11, ‘B’ Specials fired at a young man named Keown, convenient to Ederney. He was wounded in the foot. On the same night, they abused a man named Anthony McGee, of Tonwore.