Members of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council have heard a staffing crisis amongst school bus drivers is continuing, despite the Education Authority (EA) assuring that recruitment is ongoing.

However, one member made an alarming disclosure to the Policy and Resources Committee meeting after the parents of three children left without transport home were effectively discouraged from raising their concerns with elected representatives.

Members were discussing a response from the EA, and while describing this as comprehensive, Councillor Emmet McAleer, Independent, felt areas still required to be addressed.

“It persists that there is a serious staffing crisis which ultimately means some children are without school buses at certain times of the year,” he said.

Among a number of points, he referred to driver recruitment adverts carried on buses in which the text is so small it is illegible, and added: “The question remains – was the Education Authority actually serious in recruiting, or was it [such signage] a token gesture so they could say it had been carried out, but it didn’t actually result in anything?

"I’ve spoken to a number of drivers in recent weeks, and there’s a belief adverts on buses are a realistic [recruitment] proposal, but they do need to be legible.”

Councillor McAleer proposed reverting to the EA to establish if this could be resolved, because “we do have a crisis, in terms of the impact from the lack of recruitment and maintaining staff”.

Seconding, Ulster Unionist Councillor Bert Wilson advised members of a troubling remark he said was made to a constituent who, it appears, was discouraged for speaking to him on the issue.

He said: “Just over a week ago, I had a report of children left for three evenings without a way home. That was three miles, and one of the children was five. The family weren’t pleased.

"When they mentioned they may contact me, they were more or less told if they spoke to any representative, they may have no bus at all.”

Councillor Wilson continued: “It’s not good enough. The evenings in question were wet and cold. It’s something I wouldn’t be happy with.”

The proposal passed without dissent.