The Sean MacDiarmada Society Fermanagh held its Annual Easter Commemoration at the Derrylin graveside of Jim Murphy on the 48th anniversary of his killing.

Shane Burke, from the Mountain Road pipe band, led the colour party into the graveyard where Independent Councillor Bernice Swift Chaired the event.

Welcoming everyone, Councillor Swift said: “This year we gather on the 48th anniversary of the murder of Jim Murphy with his family and friends to remember him, and all those who gave their lives in the struggle for Irish freedom and independence.

“Jim Murphy was a leader in this community – he was a lifelong Irish Republican, a civil rights activist, and stood out in very dangerous times, risking his own life in the pursuit of a free and independent Ireland.”

Wreaths were laid by Sean Murphy from the Murphy family, Patsy Corrigan, former comrades, and Robin Martin from the Sean MacDiarmada Society, Martin Kilpatrick, The Matt Fitzpatrick Society.

Eamon McPhillips read The Proclamation followed by Francie Mackey who read the Fermanagh IRA Roll of Honour.

The main speaker was Phillip Donoghue, from Dublin.

“At this time of year, Irish Republicans gather at the graves of our fallen patriots to render to them the just honour they so onerously deserve.

“At our gathering here today, we stand at the grave of Jim Murphy from Corraveigha, who for us symbolises the great sacrifice that generations of Republicans made to secure the national sovereignty of our people and our country,” he told those in attendance.

Mr. Donoghue spoke of how Republicans are engaging each other in the reaffirmation of the people of Ireland’s inalienable and indefeasible right to sovereignty, as set out in the 1916 Proclamation.

Mr. Donoghue continued: “The language of Republicanism must be the language of sovereignty.

“Terminology such as ‘Irish unity’ and ‘united Ireland’ are too vague in meaning, and provide refuge for those who can use such terms for political effect but without any obligation to pursue them.

“As we stand now, Irish Republicans must elevate our activism beyond simple protest and into the realm of radical and novel strategies which can effect real change.

“The inherent and insidious contradictions of Partition must be exploited to the full so as to fatally undermine it at every opportunity.

“Irish Republicanism is currently in a state of reassessment. It needs to be.

“A new political dynamic must be identified so that Republican resources can be focused on advancing our core objectives. This cannot happen in isolation either from each other or other political and campaign activists.

“We can honour our patriot dead in many ways, but the most effective way is to be effective ourselves in advancing the struggle for which they gave their lives.”

Bernard Swift sang a specially-penned song written in tribute to Jim Murphy, before the piper played Amhran na bhFiann to close the proceedings.