The Grouped Parishes of Garrison, Slavin, Belleek and Kiltyclogher in Clogher Diocese welcomed their new Rector, the Rev. Rebecca Guildea, at the Service of Institution on Thursday April 7.

The service conducted by the Bishop of Clogher, the Right Rev. Dr. Ian Ellis, was held in Garrison Parish Church where representatives from the four parishes gathered.

The service which was broadcast live via the internet included the hymns, 'Great is thy faithfulness', 'When peace, like a river, attendeth my way', 'And can it be that I should gain' and 'Lord, for the years your love has kept and guided'. The organist was Mrs. Joy Graham.

The readings were by Mrs. Dorothy Barlow, a member of Garrison Parish and Branch Leader of the Mothers’ Union and Mr. William Allingham, a member of Kiltyclogher Parish.

The sermon was given by the Rev. Chancellor David Mungavin, Rector of Greystones in the Diocese of Glendalough, where Rev. Guildea had served her curacy.


Revd Rebecca Guildea speaking during the Service of Institution.

Revd Rebecca Guildea speaking during the Service of Institution.


The Act of Institution by the Bishop of Clogher, also included Archdeacon Brian Harper, Rev. John McClenaghan as Diocesan Registrar and Canon Alan Irwin as Rural Dean.

Following the service, a number of short speeches were made in the church, introduced by the Rural Dean, Canon Alan Irwin welcoming Rev. Rebecca. These included representatives from the four parishes; Pauline Carson, Kiltyclogher; Robert Ovens, Slavin; James Pye, Belleek and Eddie Graham, Garrison.

A member of the Greystones congregation, Audrey Evans, was among a number of people from the parish who made the long journey from the Diocese of Glendalough and wished Revd Rebecca well in her new chapter of ministry.


Some of those who attended the Service of Institution enjoying tea in the Gillaroo Centre.

Some of those who attended the Service of Institution enjoying tea in the Gillaroo Centre.


Bishop Ian Ellis thanked all those who had helped to organise the service and thanked Rev. Maureen Desborough and Canon William Johnston for leading services in the group of parishes during the vacancy.

A supper was served in the Gillaroo Centre for everyone attending the service.

Rev. Rebecca is originally from Oxford and studied theology at King’s College in London after which she completed the MTh programme at the Church of Ireland Theological Institute.


Some of those who attended the Service of Institution enjoying tea in the Gillaroo Centre.

Some of those who attended the Service of Institution enjoying tea in the Gillaroo Centre.


She was ordained deacon in 2016 and served her deacon intern year at Zion church, Rathgar in the Diocese of Dublin and Glendalough. She was ordained priest/presbyter in 2017 and has been serving her curacy at St. Patrick’s Church, Greystones, also in the Diocese of Dublin and Glendalough before her appointment to Clogher Diocese. She has a special interest in young people and family ministry.

Rev. Rebecca and her husband, Brendan, have three children; Noah (9), Isaac (2) and Moses (6 months).


Some of those who attended the Service of Institution enjoying tea in the Gillaroo Centre.

Some of those who attended the Service of Institution enjoying tea in the Gillaroo Centre.