Fermanagh Genealogy Centre continue their 2021/2022 Talks Programmewith a talk on the role of Irish monks in Europe from Dr. Enzo Farinelli. 

Dr. Farinelli is currently the Director of the Casa Italia Cultural Centre in Dublin and he has been at the forefront in promoting closer relations between Ireland and Italy for over twenty years.

To this end he has been involved in the twinning of 16 Irish and Italian towns. Enzo is a Knight of the Italian Republic and Prior of Ireland for the Knights of Concordia. Enzo has presented his work on Irish-Italian cultural links and the travels of the Irish monks all over the world.

If you are interested in your family history and the history of the early Irish missionaries, please come along to our next meeting on Saturday, April 23, 2022 in Fermanagh House at 1.30pm, where there will be a cup of tea/coffee and biscuit, followed by a short members’ meeting. 

At the end of the meeting around 2pm, Dr Enzo Farinelli’s talk on ‘Early Christian Irish Missionaries’ will take place.

The talk is free to members. £5 is charged at the door at meetings for non-members.  Alternatively, you can subscribe to an annual fee of: Single membership -£20 and Joint membership - £25; Concessionary Membership £15.

For further information on the Fermanagh Genealogy Centre please go to our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/fgc

For further information, please contact – Secretary, Mervyn Hall on fgc2012@hotmail.com