With voting in this year's Assembly election tomorrow why not have a look back at what all the candidates in Fermanagh and South Tyrone are saying.

We asked all 16 candidates five questions - 

Question 1:Tell voters a bit about yourself – why are you in politics/how long for?

Question 2:From speaking to people in the constituency, what issues are affecting the people of Fermanagh and South Tyrone?

Question 3:What will be the main issues you will be working on, if elected?

Question 4:How can Stormont work best for the people of Fermanagh and South Tyrone?

Question 5:What will you bring as an MLA if elected?

Question 6: Why should people vote for you?

Click on each candidates name to see what they had to say before you go to the polls.

Emmett Kilpatrick, People Before Profit - "If elected, I will bring tenacity to the table"

Áine Murphy, Sinn Féin - "I represent everyone, to the best of my ability"

Matthew Beaumont, Alliance - "I will always keep fighting for the whole area"

Donal O'Cofaigh, CCLA - "I would bring workers' issues to Stormont"

Alex Elliott, TUV - "I and my party will fight the Irish Sea Border"

Paul Bell, DUP - "I understand the issues facing local families"

Denise Mullen, Aontú - "I have a proven track record as a councillor"

Jemma Dolan, Sinn Féin - "I will continue to work with all parties to deliver"

Deborah Erskine, DUP - "I have been using my voice to seek solutions"

Tom Elliott, UUP - "I would be an advocate for the west area of NI"

Adam Gannon, SDLP - "I'm determined to be an MLA that puts people first"

Emma DeSouza, Independent - "I will be a tireless champion for the constituency"

Rosemary Barton, UUP - "I will continue to protect NI's place in the UK"


Colm Gildernew, Sinn Féin - "I'll bring energy, enthusiasm and diligent work"

Kellie Turtle, Green Party - "I can deliver for Fermanagh and South Tyrone"

Derek Backhouse, Independent - "I would like to create a voice for the people"