SEFF (South East Fermanagh Foundation) has today (Thursday, June 2) opened its first charity shop.

The Lisnaskea-based charitable organisation, which supports victims and survivors of terrorism, and aims to strengthen communities, has branched out to Enniskillen with its new shop, where proceeds from sales will go towards the funding of SEFF's work in the local area.

"We're very conscious of the need to develop social economy roots within the organisation to be able to bring in revenue that would support the practice of the charity.

"It will support not only our core work with victims and survivors but also our broader work within the community in supporting the community development aspect of the organisation," said Kenny Donaldson, SEFF Director of Services, speaking to The Impartial Reporter ahead of the charity shop's official opening this morning.

"It will be classified as our outreach work within the community. Obviously [we] receive grant aid for different programmes at times but there's always things that cannot be funded," he added, noting that increasingly SEFF's range of programmes sees the organisation engaging with local schools, churches, and other community and voluntary sector organisations.

"So there's a strong educational aspect and theme to our work. We don't classify it as cross-community work, we classify it as good neighbourliness between people and it's fostering that type of work," explained Kenny.

Located on the Shore Road, Enniskillen, beside Maud's Café, the SEFF Charity Shop has four different levels with varying types of stock on each.

"It's well-resourced at the moment but with charity shops it's about the turnover of stock and trying to keep it fresh. We are hopeful that we have a good representation of clothing and footwear that inspires right across the generations from the young to the older," said Kenny, continuing by outlining how alongside clothing, the shop will also sell various household items ranging from crockery to toys.

However it will not sell larger items of furniture.

The organisation are currently examining the potential of selling fresh produce at the shop once or twice a month.

"We have our community allotment site and there's some exceptional stuff that they grow there so maybe that could be linked to the farmer's market day in the town," Kenny added.

The opening hours for the shop for the month of June will be; Thursdays 10am to 4pm, Fridays 10am to 1pm and Saturdays 10am to 1pm. It is hoped that from July onwards the opening hours will be extended across all three days, details will be advised on the shop door.

If you would wish to volunteer within the shop or donate items, or if you have any other query then please contact the shop directly on: 028 66 050141 or SEFF on: 028 677 23884, selecting option 1.