In a visit to the United States of America, Fermanagh and South Tyrone Sinn Féin MP Michelle Gildernew told a group of Irish-Americans that US support is “critical” to securing a Border poll.

Mrs. Gildernew made the remarks while speaking at the Biannual Conference of the Ladies’ Ancient Order of Hibernians and Ancient Order of Hibernians in Pittsburgh.

She told conference attendees: “The old absolute Unionist majority is gone. The future is ours to determine.”

Calling on support from the US, she said: “We all need to act to maximise support for Irish unity. To secure and win unity referenda.”

Her speech also discussed the British government’s controversial legacy amnesty proposals related to The Troubles, and the Northern Ireland Protocol.

Addressing the amnesty proposals, Mrs. Gildernew said:“We will face challenges, in particular from a British government that has no place or care for Ireland, our people, our economy, and our agreements.”

Mrs. Gildernew claimed: “[The British government] unilaterally introduced legislation in Westminster to end judicial investigations, to refuse inquests, and block victims from accessing the courts. They have offered an amnesty at the request of their military.”

She added:“These moves are opposed by Sinn Féin and all other parties, the Irish Government, victims’ groups, human rights experts, and the position of both [US] Houses of Congress.”