Despite some people declaring the Covid-19 pandemic to be over, many people across Northern Ireland are continuing to die as a direct result of Covid-19 related illnesses.

The latest Northern Ireland (NI) figures published by NISRA, last Friday, show that 20 deaths involving Covid-19 occurred in Week 30, ending July 29.

The total number of NI Covid-19-related deaths that occurred up to July 29 has now reached 4,785; of these, 3,336 (69.7 per cent ) took place in hospital; 1,000 (20.9 per cent ) in care homes; and 449 (9.4 per cent) at residential addresses, hospices or other locations.

Further data from NISRA shows that of those 20 deaths in the week ending July 29, one death was recorded in the Fermanagh and Omagh district.

Separate analysis, based on the date of death registration, shows that the provisional number of total deaths from all causes registered in NI in the week ending July 29 was 351 deaths – 11 more than in week 29 of 2022, and 70 more than the five-year average (2017-2021) of 281 deaths for the period.