Mental health remains a huge issue, with lots of people suffering from stress, anxiety and depression.

The pandemic lockdown did little for any of us mentally, and the gloom and worry of our immediate future is doing little to help us recover.

Age and gender make no difference when it comes to mental suffering. The young, the elderly, and men and women alike are all finding life more difficult to navigate.

Natural health has always had much to offer our mental wellbeing. There are an array of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and herbs that exert a beneficial effect on how we feel and think on a daily basis.

The following is a checklist of some of the more commonly-used nutrients.

1. B Complex includes a combination of all eight B vitamins which are used synergistically within our body to ensure good health and wellbeing.

They have a direct effect on energy levels, brain function and the proper functioning of our nervous system.

B vitamins are widely available in a good balanced diet, but many people are deficient in them.

Those taking the commonly prescribed stomach acid medication, proton pump inhibitors, and those on vegetarian or vegan diets are more susceptible to deficiency in this vitamin.

Those who eat a high sugar-containing diet are also susceptible. One of the main symptoms of deficiency can be irritability and depression.

2. Magnesium is the second most abundant mineral in our body after calcium. It is involved in hundreds of different processes simultaneously.

It plays an important role in our energy production and also helps maintain a healthy nervous system.

Magnesium helps muscles relax and improves body relaxation, blood pressure and sleep patterns.

Supplementing with magnesium daily has been demonstrated to improve mood.

Magnesium deficiency in our modern-day diet is very common.

3. Taurine is a useful amino acid for when we feel exhausted and depleted from living a busy life.

Taurine contributes to both a strong nervous system and good mental function, so it helps us remain calm and balanced while also remaining focused and enthusiastic.

It is useful for those who work long hours and still want vitality and energy to live.

It is most beneficial for young people burning the candle at both ends, and is one of the key ingredients in Revive’s Zest for 18-30 year olds.

4. Theanine is an amino acid that increases the alpha, or meditative, rays in our brain. This helps stop a racing mind and enables us to think with more clarity and focus.

Theanine is a useful supplement for anxiety and panic. It is also beneficial for quietening an overthinking mind at bedtime.

5.Tyrosine is an amino acid we use to make the important neurotransmitters, Dopamine, Adrenaline and Noradrenaline.

Long-term stress can negatively affect our reasoning, memory and attention by causing a decrease in these important neurotransmitters.

Supplementing with tyrosine helps us to focus and cope when living with ongoing stress.

Tyrosine has also been demonstrated to help with sleep deprivation.

6. Ashwaganda and Rhodiola are two herbs widely used to help with stress and mood disorders such as anxiety and depression.

Both herbs are adaptogens and help bring the body back into balance physically and mentally.

They balance mood, manage stress, prevent anxiety and depression and boost mood.

They also promote better memory and learning and improve the quality of our sleep.

7. Lemon balm has a long, traditional use within herbal medicine for promoting physical and mental relaxation within the body. It is widely used to treat both stress and anxiety.

8. Holy Basil (tulsi) is an Ayurvedic herb that exerts positive effects on memory and cognitive function. It is useful for calming and relieving anxiety.

9. Avena Sativa (Oats) provides immediate calm and relaxation but also strengthens our nervous system as we continue to take it over the more long-term.

Avena is an effective but gentle herb for treating anxiety and worry and may be used safely in children.

10. Passiflora is a calming herb useful for helping with daily worry, nerves in the tummy and insomnia. Passiflora is a lovely friend of the elderly.

11. St. John’s Wort and 5HTP (5-hydroxytryptohan) are both useful supplements for raising serotonin levels in the brain.

Serotonin is the hormone that enables us to feel happy and provides us with a positive outlook on life.

Both these supplements – the first a herb, and the second an amino acid derivative – help with a low or depressed mood.

5HTP has an immediate effect on serotonin levels but should not be used long-term.

St. John’s Wort acts by preventing the breakdown of serotonin, so it may take up to eight weeks to exert a full effect but may be used for longer than 5HTP.

It may be useful for someone feeling very low to take both concurrently for one month, and then drop the use of 5HTP and continue taking St John’s Wort alone.

12. Californian Poppy is a plant used to promote relaxation and sleep. It is safe for use in children of all ages and may help with insomnia, nightmares and bedwetting.

13. Child Essence is a combination of flower essences formulated especially to help children cope with times of stress, anxiety or change in their lives.

It may be very helpful for children going through transition in their lives, either at home or at school.

This provides just an insight into some of the nutrients available to help us cope when life gets tough. These nutrients often come combined in multi-nutrient products aimed to help with a specific aspect of mental health.

Seek advice on the right product for you and remember to check that it is safe to use alongside any prescribed medication you may be taking.