Of all the places where examples of barefaced lying are to be found, try a visit to the Revision Courts, now sitting. What is more remarkable, is the various effects the different kinds of lying have upon the court. What holds good one moment, is not binding at another time. The stories of tenancy are so remarkable as to upset one’s mental equilibrium.


A young Enniskillen lady actually declared a few days ago - ‘I wish there was a bazaar every month.’ Most people wish that they won’t hear the word ‘bazaar’ for the next three years.


If I were to write some of the statements made use of at the Roman Catholic Truth Society of Ireland, people would say most uncomplimentary things.

Rev. J.S. Sheehy, C.M., never spoke truer words at this Truth Society when he declared on Saturday last - A really great evil in modern life was ‘snobbery’. A people emerging from slavery were always ‘snobs’; and women were frequently the worst offenders. They sped the manners and customs of those they considered the superior race. They became affected and unnatural. As they advanced in wealth especially, they looked down on their less fortunate fellow citizens.


I like those words. Have we not in Enniskillen and in our local counties, people putting on side, and aping the ways of their betters, who do not know who their grandparents were, or if they were alive would disown them.

I do not know that ‘wealth’ which the reverend gentleman mentioned is always the asset of the snob. Snobs are to be found amongst the poor, the cheeky poor who live on credit, - live on the charity, in reality, of those they would look down upon.