Fermanagh Brightstarz needs your vote if the group is to gain a deserved share of the Readers Choice Cash For Charity initiative run by The Impartial Reporter’s parent company, Newsquest.

The Gannett Foundation is the charitable arm of the organisation, and in August you sent us in your nominations for the local charity in this area that was worthy of going forward to compete against nine other charities, in Scotland, for a share of the £16,000 fund.

Out of those nominations – and we thank you for taking the time to send them in – Brightstarz was drawn from the hat, and the group now stands to win some much-needed funds to help with the incredible work it carries out for people in this community.

The more votes Brightstarz get, the better the share of the prize fund they will accumulate.

So get voting and let’s do our best for this local charity up against a number of other charities.

Patricia Goan, Chair of Brightstarz, said: “We are delighted to be shortlisted. The Fermanagh BrightStarz group is a registered charity and community based arts group working with adults with additional needs. Our key words are look at THIS ABILITY not DISABILITY,” said Patrcia.

She added: “We work to showcase the talents of adults in the Fermanagh Community who may have additional needs. Our aim is to create a more inclusive, diverse arts community which ensures access for all to the arts. This manifests itself in our group producing a full theatre production in the Ardhowen Theatre every year in June.

“The work we do sees our cast members hone and develop their acting, dancing and singing skills with the assistance of our artistic directors. The outcome is a group of individuals who grow in confidence and ability as we work towards each production.”

However, she also pointed out: “The group is not just about the production in the Ardhowen, a huge part of Tuesday night, is just that, Tuesday night! Coming together to socialise, to learn, to dance to have some fun.

“In Fermanagh there is no social outlet after 6pm for our adults with additional needs which creates a huge inequity to social connection. Tuesday nights aren’t just for our group but for their family members too who get time out to chat and have a cup of coffee while our group do their thing. 

“One of our members was spurred on by our efforts and as a result has set up a second group ‘Just Us’ which offers ad hoc social evenings for adults with disabilities. The needs of our group don’t automatically switch off at 5pm when the day centres close, their needs for social connection are the same as every other individual and Tuesday nights is a vital part of that sense of belonging.”

Patricia concluded: “With this funding application we hope to raise funds for our showcase event and towards equipment for our cast as well as costumes. The aim of the showcase event is to celebrate our group, raise awareness in the community, record a film of our cast and launch this on YouTube.”

So why not support Brightstarz today by voting for them? Just use the form in today's paper, and tick Brightstarz on it to help give them your vote for a share of the £16,000 fund.

You can send in your vote by post, or just leave it into The Impartial Reporter office at 8&10 East Bridge Street, Enniskillen, BT74 7BT. Or you can leave in at the Brightstarz office at 119 Windmill Heights or post through the letterbox of the West End Community Centre, 53 Rossorry Church Road, Enniskillen. Let’s get voting.