Holy Trinity Primary and Nursery School in Enniskillen recently presented a cheque for £1,000 to the Friends of the Cancer Centre charity following a very successful coffee morning in the school.

Principal of the school Brian Treacy said he was delighted that the staff were able to support the local charity at this time.

“Like all families we in the Holy Trinity School family have been impacted by cancer through its effects on staff, parents and families in our school community so we are delighted to give something back to this wonderful charity who do so much good work in our local community,” said Mr. Treacy.

The school has been heavily involved in supporting local charities in recent years and Una Williams, teacher in the school’s Nurture Room and organiser of the coffee morning said that the connection between the school and local community was something that benefits both members of the community and the children.

“We were delighted with the amount raised and that connection that Holy Trinity Has to local charities and the local community is such an important part of our ethos," said Mrs. Williams.