Leaders of the four main Loyal Orders in Fermanagh have weighed in to support the retention of emergency general surgery services at the South West Acute Hospital (SWAH).

The leading representatives – Mervyn Byers, Orange Order; Tom Elliott, Royal Black Institution; Anna Moffitt, Association of Loyal Orangewomen; and the Fermanagh Clubs of the Apprentice Boys of Derry – issued the following statement.

“As residents and members of the public in Fermanagh, we fully appreciate the vital services provided by the staff at the state-of-the-art South West Acute Hospital. It is essential that these services are maintained and indeed enhanced.

“We are deeply disappointed at the decision by the Western Health & Social Care Trust (WHSCT) to stop the emergency general surgery at SWAH.

“This is a huge setback to the community in Fermanagh, even more so given the rural nature of the area.

“We encourage our members to oppose this action of the WHSCT in every practical way possible, including writing to the Trust calling for the protection of current, and adding other services at SWAH; attending meetings and events in relation to the matter throughout the county; responding to any consultation process by the WHSCT, and supporting any pragmatic petitions.”