Fermanagh and Omagh District Council has confirmed that there will be no Hallowe'en fireworks display in Enniskillen again this year.

This follows on from last year when it was decided last minute by Council Chief Executive Alison McCullagh to cancel the Hallowe'en fireworks displays in both Enniskillen and Omagh, just days before the events had been scheduled to take place which caused great upset across the district.

Speaking to The Impartial Reporter, who asked the Council why it had taken the decision to not hold a fireworks display in Enniskillen again this Hallowe'en, a spokesperson for the Council said: "The decision to not host Hallowe'en fireworks events this year was taken as part of the Rates setting process and was based on cost pressures.

"The Council's decision was to focus on the delivery of its core functions and the delivery of an ambitious capital programme which will see investment across the District. The decision was taken at a Special Council meeting on February 9 and the decision was conveyed to businesses in previous discussions with them."

Responding to the question of what will take place in the town at Hallowe'en as an alternative to the fireworks display, the Council spokesperson said: "The Council has no plans to organise Hallowe'en activities. We understand that other organisations or businesses may wish to organise events to celebrate the Hallowe'en season."

However, the Council has confirmed that there will be an official Christmas lights switch on event in Enniskillen this winter.

"The Council has approved the budget for Christmas Lights Switch Ons and associated events in both Enniskillen and Omagh this year," the Council spokesperson told this newspaper.