The nephew of two Mannok directors has been returned for trial on perjury and false representation charges.

Gareth Lunney is alleged to have misled the court in respect of how damage was caused to his door by the brother of Bernard McGovern who was jailed for attacking his uncle Kevin Lunney and Dara O’Reilly in 2019.

Previously, Patrick McGovern from Springdale Road, Kinawley, admitted damaging the door belonging to Lunney as well as assaulting him on March 19 in 2021 but he denied threatening to kill him.

During a contested hearing at Enniskillen Magistrates Court yesterday (Wednesday) McGovern accepted being “extremely upset” by the extent of the sentence handed down to his younger brother, and that he had gone to Lunney’s home and damaged the door.

However, issues arose over Lunney’s evidence when it emerged he had misled the court in relation to the damage and cost of repairs.

Lunney (36), from Market Square, Derrylin, is accused of wilfully making statements he knew to be false, namely that he paid for repairs on March 14, 2022. It is further alleged he dishonestly made a false representation to make a gain for himself and a loss to McGovern.


During the court hearing it was claimed Lunney told a repairs contractor in Belcoo that a forklift had driven into the door, and he needed an invoice to present to insurers.

The contractor provided a quote for repairs, which Lunney advised the court had been carried out and paid for, at a cost of £500.

He produced a document to this effect which was challenged by McGovern’s defence, who put it to Lunney he was lying under oath.

It transpired a witness statement provided by the contractor, and corroborated by police, detailed how Lunney contacted him on March 23, 2021 asking him to attend to the repairs.

When the contractor didn’t have time, Lunney requested a blank invoice, but this was refused.

During a robust cross-examination, Lunney eventually accepted the repairs were never carried out, and the £500 invoice was fraudulent. The cost of repairs was actually £98.

Lunney confirmed he understood the charges. He declined to call witnesses or give evidence on his own behalf at this stage.

Judge McSorley remanded him on £200 bail to appear for arraignment at Dungannon Crown Court on September 6.