The recent Clogher Valley Show attracted a large number of visitors despite the wet conditions but some people travelled longer distances than others.

Terilyn Buchanan from Napa Valley, California, was using part of her teaching holidays this summer to spend time with relatives in the Clogher Valley. She was being hosted by Harrison and Beryl Boyd, who are heavily involved in the Show.

Terilyn explained how the McKinistry family ancestors had emigrated form Co. Armagh in the late 1800s, firstly to Philadelphia and then outside Chicago in Illinois to begin farming.

There have been many lines of families since then and Terilyn has worked out that she and Harrison are third cousins removed, or 32nd cousins.

Their families have met on numerous occasions, sometimes in the USA and also in Northern Ireland, and on one occasion for a big family reunion.

She was enjoying watching the cattle judging and was uplifted with the strong community bonds among people at the Show.

Another couple making a visit to the Show were Billy and Mary Barnett from Perth, Australia, Billy having left the Clogher Valley, while his wife, Mary, is from north of Auckland, in New Zealand.

They were visiting Billy’s brother, Brian – a stalwart of the Show.

The dairy cattle championship went to Malcom and Barry McLean, Bushmills while the beef champion was awarded to Conor Mulholland with his Limousin. Results as follows.

Dairy Cattle

Aberdeen Angus

Bull born before January 1, 2022 – 1, Ivan Forsythe.

Bull born between January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022 – 1, William Dodd; 2, Fintan Keown.

Bull born between July 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022 – 1, Mena McCloskey; 2, Fintan Keown; 3, Mena McCloskey.

Bull calf, born on or after January 1, 2023 – 1, 2 and 3, Adrian and Graeme Parke.

Cow in calf or in milk – 1, Adrian and Graeme Parke; 2, Ivan Forsythe; 3, Alan Morrison.

Junior cow, born on or after January 1, 2021, shown with calf at foot – 1, Jimmy Ferguson.

Heifer born between May 1, 2021 and December 31, 2021 (not calved) – 1, William Dodd; 2, Ivan Forsythe.

Heifer born between January ,1 2022 and June 30, 2022 – 1, Kevin Mcoscar; 2, William Dodd; 3, Jimmy Ferguson.

Heifer born between July 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022 – 1, Mark Davidson.

Heifer born on or after January 1, 2023 – 1, Fiona Troughton; 2, Mr. and Mrs. John Blackburn; 3, Alan Morrison.

Best Aberdeen Angus Animal bred by exhibitor – 1, Adrian and Graeme Parke; 2, William Dodd; 3, Fintan Keown.

Pair – 1, Fintan Keown; 2, William Dodd; 3, Kevin Mcoscar.

Junior Male Champion – Mena McCloskey; Reserve – Adrian and Graeme Parke.

Junior Female Champion – Kevin Mcoscar; Reserve: William Dodd.

Senior Male Champion – William Dodd; Reserve: Fintan Keown.

Senior Female Champion – Adrian and Graeme Parke; Reserve: William Dodd.

Overall Champion – Adrian and Graeme Parke; Reserve: William Dodd.


Calf born in 2023 – 1, Slatabogie Holsteins; 2, John McClean; 3, Matthew Breen.

Heifer born on or before July 1, 2022 and on or before December 31 – 1, Slatabogie Holsteins; 2, Matthew Breen, Conall Daly.

Heifer born on or after January 1, 2022 or on June 30, 2022 – Conall Daly; 2, Matthew Breen; 3, Sarah Doupe.

Heifer born in 2021 – 1, Sam Maxwell.

Heifer in Milk – 1, Richard Watt.

Cow in Milk – 2, Malcolm and Barry McLean; 3, Jamie Sproule.

Champion: Malcolm and Barry McLean.

Coloured Dairy Cattle

Heifer born in 2022 – 1, Stewart and Nyree Baxter; 2, Alan McNeeley; 3, Alan Irwin.

Heifer born in 2021 – 1, Stewart and Nyree Baxter; 2, Sarah Doupe; 3, Sarah Doupe.

Heifer in Milk – 1, Fleming Familyl; 2, Alan Irwin; 3, Alan Irwin.

Cow in Milk – 1, Fleming Family; 2, Alan Irwin; 3, Stewart and Nyree Baxter.

Coloured Dairy Championship – Fleming Family.

Beef Shorthorn

Bull – 1, Leanne Green

Bull born January 1, 2022 – September 1, 2022 – 1, Mervyn Robinson; 2, Percy Lindsay; 3, Ruth Bleakley.

Female born before January 2020 in calf or calf at foot – 1, Rachel Jordan; 2, Mervyn Robinson.

Female born in 2021 – 1, Libby and Lucy Clarke; 2, Mervyn Robinson; 3, Leanne Green.

Female born between January 1 and August 31, 2022 – 1, Mervyn Robinson; 2, Percy Lindsay; 3, Rachel Jordon.

Pairs – 1, Mervyn Robinson; 2, Leanne Green; 3, Rachel Jordon.

Champion – Libby and Lucy Clarke.

Reserve – Mervyn Robinson.


Cow or Heifer born before December 31, 2020 in calf or calf at foot – 1, Marcus Murdock; 2, Tracey Morton; 3, John and William McMordie.

Heifer born on or after January 1, 2021 and on or before June 30, 2021, in calf or calf at foot – 1, Ciara Fitzpatrick; 2, Tracey Morton; 3, Thomas Donaghey.

Heifer born on or after July 1, 2021 and on or before December 31, 2021 – 1, John and William McMordie; 2, Ciara Fitzpatrick; 3, Ciara Fitzpatrick.

Heifer born on or after September 1, 2022 and on or before December 31, 2022 – 1, John and William McMordie; 2, Alan Shaw; 3, Alan Shaw.

Heifer Calf born on or before January 1, 2023 – 1, Harry Brownie; 2, Marcus Murdock; 3, Martin Hamilton.

Bull born on or before March 31, 2021 – 1, Robin Irvine; 2, Nathaniel Shaw; 3, Tracey Morton.

Bull born on or after June 1, 2022 and on or before August 31 – 1, Stuart Pogue; 2, David Wilson; 3, Alan Shaw.

Bull born on or after September 1, 2022 and on or before December 31, 2022 – 1, Alan Shaw.

Progeny Pair – 1, Alan Shaw; 2, Ciara Fitzpatrick; 3, Thomas Donaghey.

Group of Three – 1, Awtlan Shaw; 2, Ciara Fitzpatrick; 3, Thomas Donaghey.

Young Handlers (12-18 years) – 1, Tracey Morton; 2. Ciara Fitzpatrick.

Champion – Robin Irvine; Reserve – Nathaniel Shaw.

NI Charolais National Championship

Female born in 2023 – 1, Trevor Phair; 2, Harry John Heron; 3, Alan Reid.

Female born on or before September 1 – December 31 – 1, G and N Hadnett; 2, W D and J A Connolly.

Female born on or before May 1 and August 31 – 1, Harry John Herron; W D and J A Connolly; 3, Harry John Herron.

Female born on or before January 1 – April 30, 2022 – J, I, and R Elliotto.

Female born on or before July 1 and December 31, 2021 – 1, Niall Quinn; 2, W D and J A Connolly.

Female born on or before January 1 and June 30, 2021 – 1, Patrick Gallagher; 2, Harry and John Herron; 3, W D and J A Connolly.

Female born on or before December 31, 2022 – Harry John Herron; 2, W D and J A Connolly.

Bull born in 2023 – 1, Alan Reid; 2, W D and J A Connolly; 3, Trevor Phair.

Bull born on or between July 15 – September 30, 2022 – 1, W D and J A Connolly; 2, George Nelson; 3, George Nelson.

Bull born on or between January 1 and April 30 – 1 and 2, W D and J A Connolly; 3, Margaret Ruddy.

Pairs – 1, Harry John Herron; 2, W D and J A Connolly; 3, Harry Josh Heron.

Charolais Specials

Best Pairs – Harry John Heron.

Junior Female Champion – G and N Hatchett.

Intermediate Female Champion – Harry John Heron.

Senior Female Champion – Harry John Heron.

Junior Male Champion – Ciaran Kelly.


Bull born in 2022 – 1, William Dodd; 2, W D and J D Hazelton.

Heifer born in 2021 – W D and J D Hazelton.

Heifer born in 2022 – 1, Allen Wilson; 2, S and P McDonald; 3, Molly Bradley.

Champion – Allen Wilson.

Reserve – S and P McDonald.


Cow – any age in calf or having had a calf in last 12 months – 1, Crawford Brothers.

Heifer born in 2021 – 1, Connor Mulholland; 2, Connor Mulholland.

Heifer born in 2022 – 1, Stephen Crawford; 2, Caitlin Kernan.

Bull born before 2022 – 1, Stephen Crawford.

Junior Bull born in 2022 – 1, James Alexander; 2, Niall Quinn; 3, Gareth Corrie.

Bull or Heifer Calf in 2023 – 1, Stephen Crawford; 2, Stephen Crawford; 3, Gareth Corrie.

Champion – 1, Conor Mulholland.

Reserve – James Alexander.

British Blue

Heifer – 1, Robert McCormick; 2, McGuiness farms.

Champion – Robert McCormick.

Traditional Rare and Minority Breeds

Calf, Male or Female under 1 year – 1, Tracey Smith.

Bull over one year – 1, Arnold Pearson; 2, William Dodd.

Heifer between 1 and 2 years old 1 – William Dodd; 2, William Dodd.

Cow female over two years old in calf or with calf at foot – 1, Arnold Pearson; 2, Arnold Pearson; 3, Tracey Smyth.

Champion – Arnold Pearson.

Commercial Cattle

Suckler Heifer – 1, Gareth Corrie; 2, Ivan Lynn; 3, Ivan Lynn.

Store Heifer – 1, Alan Veitch; 2, Sam Matchett; 3, Richard Law.

Beef Heifer – 1, Jade Tumilty; 2, James Alexander; 3, Richard Law.

Suckler Male Calf Any Breed born in 2021 – 1, Gareth Corrie; 2, Cochrane Family, 3. Foncey Gormley.

Store Bullock – 1, Shauna McKenna; 2, Robert Miller; 3, Robert Miller.

Beef Bullock – 1, James Alexander.

Commercial Male Championship – James Alexander.

Commercial Female Championship – Alan Veitch.

Overall Commercial Cattle Championship – Alan Veitch.

Beef Young Handler

Junior Handlers (8-12 years old) – 1, Jamie Dodd; 2, Lewis Dodd; 3, Owen Farrell.

Senior Handler (12-16 years old) – 1, Thomas McAlister; 2, Mya Alexander.



Novice – 1, Alan Wells; 2, Robbie Sloane; 3, Neville Rickey.

Ram (two shear) – 1, Sean Doyle; 2, Sean Doyle; 3, Robbie Sloane.

Shearling ram – 1, Sean Doyle; 2, Sean Doyle; 3, Sean Doyle.

Ewe, two shears and above having reared a lamb in 2023 – 1, Colin Gregg; 2 and 3, S and G Manson.

Shearling Ewe – 1, Colin Gregg; 2, Sean Doyle; 3, Sean Doyle.

Ram Lamb – 1, Colin Gregg; 2, Sean Doyle; 3, Rodney Wilson.

Ewe Lamb – 1, Rodney Wilson; 2, Rodney Wilson; 3, Alan Wells.

Champion – Sean Doyle.


Ram Two Shear and Above – 1, Sean Doyle.

Ewe Two Shear and Above – 1, Jason Watson; 2, Sean Doyle.

Shearling ewe – 1, Jason Watson; 2 and 3, William Moore.

Ram lamb – 1, Jason Watson; 2 and 3, Neville Rickey.

Ewe lamb – 1 and 2, Jason Watson; 3, Gary Warrington.

Champion Suffolk – Jason Watson.

Dutch Spotted

Ram, two shear and above – 1, Chris Johnston.

Shearling ewe – 1, Adam Donald; 2, Chris Johnston.

Ram lamb – 1, Chris Johnston; 2, Adam Donald; 3, Tanya Dooher.

Ewe lamb – 1, Chris Johnston; 2, Alana Steenson; 3, Ivan Lynn.

Champion Dutch Spotted – Chris Johnston; Reserve – Adam Donald.