Sentencing in the case of a man who admitted murdering three generations of the same family including a baby in a fire in Derrylin has been delayed while his lawyers await a psychiatric assessment and report.

Daniel Sebastian Allen (32), whose address was previously the scene of the incident at Molly Road, Derrylin but is now given as Maghaberry Prison, has remained remanded in custody since his arrest.

He was charged with murdering Denise Gossett (45); her son, Roman (16), and daughter, Sabrina (19), whose baby daughter, Morgana Quinn, also perished in the blaze.

All resided in the Fermanagh property when the incident occurred on February 27, 2018.

When first formally arraigned in 2020, Allen denied the charges, as well as one count of arson endangering life.

Pre-sentence reports and other relevant assessments are to be prepared and Allen was due to learn the minimum tariff he will serve at the most recent court sitting.

However, the defence explained: “We are awaiting an updated psychiatric report by a consultant who previously saw the defendant on several occasions.

“Obviously, this is a very complex case and there have been difficulties in completing a report.

“The consultant is unable to give a precise date on when this will be completed, but he has tentatively suggested November.”