A Clogher man has been jailed after admitting a number of charges dating back over a year which a judge described as “nasty and very distressing” for the victim.

Liam Reece Aiden Swift (22) from McCrea Park admitted pursuing a course of conduct amounting to the harassment of a female on 19 September 2022, as well as persistently misusing an electronic communications network causing her annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety.

Omagh Magistrates Court heard police were alerted to a report from the victim stating she had received a number of threatening voice messages from Swift through a third-party Snapchat account.

These included comments around “telling someone to kill her child” and “a 9mm bullet was going in her head”.

On listening to the communications officers immediately recognised Swift’s voice.

A short time later the victim contacted police again to say she had received further threatening messages through the same social media forum.

Swift was arrested and during interview the messages in question were played to him.

He confirmed it was his voice but contended the victim started it all by sending him messages which he replied to.

When asked if he meant the messages to be distressing, he replied, “No, not distressing. They were intended to tell her to shut the f*** up before something does happen.”

Further asked if he was threatening the victim, Swift said he “didn’t give a f*** about threatening her because she threatened his mother who was sick.”

He added he was, “Telling the victim what would happen to her if she kept up her behaviour towards him and his family.”

It was accepted the messages were offensive and upsetting.

A defence barrister stated the defendant, who is currently remanded in custody since last month on unrelated allegations, accepted his guilt during initial police interview and had taken a “pragmatic approach” in respect of the charges.

It was conceded Swift has a significant criminal record but nothing for the type of offending currently before the court.

Deputy District Judge Peter Prenter remarked, “An awful lot of entries on the defendant’s record appear to be drugs related. This was a nasty set of circumstances and offences which I’m sure were very, very distressing to the injured party.”

He imposed a term of two months imprisonment and granted a Restraining Order for one year.