AN ENNISKILLEN woman who stole groceries worth more than £120 from a local shop has been ordered to complete a 12-month probation order.

Helen Doyle (46) of Coleshill Park, Enniskillen was sentenced at Enniskillen Magistrate’s Court on Monday.

A prosecutor told the court how on July 22 of last year, police received a report from Lakeside Service Station, Enniskillen, to report the theft of £121.44 on the previous day.

A car registration was provided, and police viewed CCTV footage. Doyle was later arrested and interviewed, to which she replied ‘no comment’ to all questions put to her.

Barrister, Steffan Rafferty, explained that a contest hearing had been scheduled for the previous week, but Doyle had failed to attend.

Mr. Rafferty referenced a pre-sentence report that had been prepared for Doyle, which he felt gave an idea of her background and challenges.

Mr. Rafferty said that a probation order would be appropriate for Doyle, as “further supervision would be of benefit to her”.

District Judge, Alana McSorely said that she had read the pre-sentence report, and agreed that it was “very detailed”, and gave an overview of Doyle’s “complex background”, which included alcohol and drug use.

Judge McSorely imposed a 12-month probation order.