The Fermanagh Group of the MS Society held a lunch event earlier this month at which Siobhan Allister, a dedicated Lead Support Volunteer and Group Coordinator for the group, was presented with a UK-wide Volunteer Impact Award.

Siobhan was recognised in the 'Sharing Skills and Expertise' category at a recent ceremony in London.

The lunch event marked a significant opportunity to recognise Siobhan's achievement and to formally present her award, an award which recognises her commitment to supporting those affected by Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in Fermanagh and beyond.

Impartial Reporter: Tanya Black with her mother Muriel Henry at the MS lunch in the Killyhevlin Hotel.

Siobhan's connection with MS began in 2010 when she received her diagnosis at the age of 49.

Rather than allowing this to deter her, she transformed her personal experience into a beacon of hope for others facing similar challenges.

As the Lead Support Volunteer and Group Coordinator for the Fermanagh MS Group, Siobhan played a pivotal role in representing the group on the Northern Ireland Council of the MS Society.

Her advocacy extends to the Steering Group for the Regional Health & Care Board, where she actively lobbies for the MS community.

Motivated by her personal journey, Siobhan's primary goal is to provide unwavering support to those grappling with the uncertainties that come with an MS diagnosis.

Through her tireless efforts, she offers essential guidance, signposting, and emotional support to individuals, families, and carers affected by MS.Impartial Reporter: The Fermanagh MS Committee at the lunch, back row, Philomena Mulligan, Dawn Armstrong, Roisin

Fundraising holds a special place in Siobhan's heart, and over the past 13 years, she has raised a staggering £100,000 for MS in Northern Ireland.

From organising a 90-mile cycle from Enniskillen to Newcastle, to hosting events such as an American Country Night in the Manor House Hotel, Siobhan's fundraising efforts are diverse and creative.

Her annual 5K run, walk, or stroll has become a significant event, gathering support and awareness for MS every year.

Siobhan expressed her heartfelt gratitude for the tremendous support she receives from her family and community.

She said:  "The support that’s been shown to me and the MS Society from people living all over Fermanagh and further afield has been truly astonishing.

"I take so much delight in knowing that it is helping others.

Impartial Reporter: Roberta McDowell, Keith and Valeria Jamison and Margaret Latimer looking forward to the MS lunch in

"I am so proud and humbled to receive this award. It is a recognition of not just my work but the work of our group.

"My son, Ben, and family help immensely, and we wouldn’t be anywhere without supporters such as Belleek Pottery and Fermanagh Tyrone Financial Services, who are local businesses backing local fundraising."

Stewart Finn, the Northern Ireland Director of the MS Society, commends Siobhan's dedication, saying:  "Siobhan exemplifies the spirit of volunteerism, demonstrating unparalleled dedication, hard work, and commitment.

"Her impact extends beyond the local community, reaching individuals and families navigating the challenges of MS."

He continued :"Siobhan's commitment to the MS community is truly impressive. Her work embodies the essence of our collective mission to support and empower those affected by MS.

"Volunteers like Siobhan play a vital role in driving our efforts forward, and their contributions are invaluable to the MS Society."

Impartial Reporter: Siobhan Allister, BEM, winner Volunteer Impact Award, Tom Hunter, Belfast MS Society Nation Council

Supporting services by Fermanagh MS Group The Fermanagh Group, of which Siobhan is a part, are a robust and active community, offering a range of services, including exercise classes, yoga, reflexology, tai chi, and counselling services to people affected by MS.

Siobhan's recognition at the MS Society's Volunteer Impact Awards not only underscores her individual dedication, but also highlights the collective efforts of the Fermanagh MS Group.

Fellow members Philomena Mulligan and Margaret Latimer have previously been recognised with awards from MS Society NI, with the UK-wide award further recognition of the group’s impact.

Impartial Reporter: MS committee member Roisin McElholm and her husband Brendan who are organising a charity golf

In a bid to raise funds for the Fermanagh and Omagh MS Group, Brendan McElholm is organising an upcoming golf classic at Omagh Golf Club on May 24.

To take part or to find out more about the MS Society’s Fermanagh Group, contact