Members and friends of Fermanagh Gardening Society (FGS) gathered for their final meeting of the winter season at the Killyhevlin Hotel recently, where Joy Caskie, garden blogger (@country_garden_jottings), discussed ‘My favourite plants and seed sowing’.

Joy, a P7 teacher by day, was very entertaining at the March 19 meeting, thanks to her with anecdotes and fun personality.

She provided all her own photos of the wonderful array of colours and textures in her country-style garden, as well as providing information about the companies she recommends for her plants and seeds.

When she was young, Joy got a liking for planting seeds, and this snowballed from there. She was later to marry a dairy farmer and went to live at the farm, which is a mile outside Limavady.

Her mother-in-law had gardened on a small scale, but Joy now brought her own ideas and developed what has become a one-acre garden.

She told FGS members that at times she would – without her husband's knowledge – get the garden hose and spade out, and extend the beds!

Her husband accompanied Joy to the evening, and he was very impressed with the friendliness and enthusiasm of the FGS gathering.

The farm has now changed from dairy to beef and sheep – the latter of which Joy keeps an eye out for, as when they can be in the adjoining 12-acre field, they can sometimes find a way into the garden and end up with something tastier than their usual fayre.

Pests she encounters on a regular basis are slugs and snails. She was keen to learn from the audience what tips they had to dissuade such unwelcome guests.

She has done her own clinical trials and by painting nail varnish on snails and dispatching them to the four corners of the farm, she has discovered that after many months they return, just like homing pigeons.

When out and about, Joy keeps an eye out for bottles and vases from antique shops and charity outlets, and then incorporates them into the displays in her garden.

When her son married last year, she did the flowers for the tables and bouquets.

Joy is a lover of plants that just self-seed all over the place. and whilst she enjoys the soft edges, her husband, spade in hand, goes for an angular chop.

The guest speaker certainly brought joy with her on her entertaining and informative evening.