THE director of a local victim's support charity has urged the NI Executive to "make good" on commitments for a new health centre in Lisnaskea. 

The planned project, which is situated at the former Lisnaskea High School site, will also include a facility for victims and survivors, in association with the South East Fermanagh Foundation (SEFF). 

However, director of services, Kenny Donaldson, said he is concerned that despite a recent announcement that construction work on the health centre will begin this summer, there is "radio silence" on the SEFF project. 

Mr. Donaldson said: "As a group with strong roots within the south Fermanagh community, built over the last quarter of a century SEFF welcomes developments in respect of a new Health Centre for the area.

"Health is a core tenet of concern for the full population but also for our efforts in supporting victims/survivors of ‘The Troubles’ and the broader community.

"When the Lisnaskea High School site first became vacant we were part of a consortium who sought to maximise the community outcomes and outputs from that site.

"In June 2021, Arlene Foster and Michelle O’Neill, First and Deputy First Minister at that time, visited the site and they signalled political support and direction for the three projects to advance, in parallel - Education, Health and a victim/survivor Centre and area of reflection via SEFF.

"Last week, it was reported that the Health Minister expects construction work on the new Lisnaskea Health Centre to start by the Summer, yet there has been Radio silence from Government in respect of SEFF’s project and a lack of clarity around the School’s Project.

"A senior civil servant in TEO confirmed to us in November 2022 that “in the absence of Ministers we are not in a position to progress work on the BC (meaning Business Case) Until such times as there is a functioning Executive this position will not change”.

"This was a statement confirming that the Department was not prepared to advance the project in the absence of Ministers being in place. That rationale is now obsolete, Ministers have been in place once more for three months."

Mr. Donaldson added: "We within SEFF now implore The Executive  to resource and deliver upon the plan they committed.

"Anything less than a win-win-win scenario will set beck community relations within an area that is trying to rebuild itself, against the backdrop of significant Troubles related violence, which damaged relations, and bred fear and division."