Livestock farmers are invited to open days at the Hillsborough site of AFBI later this month.

AFBI said they are delighted to welcome farmers and the wider agri-industry to their upcoming open days, ‘Farming for the Future’, on June 18 and 19.

This is a major event in the farming calendar to highlight how the latest AFBI research under-pins future sustainability of our industry.

This is particularly prevalent due to current challenges facing the agri-industry, including the need to reduce Greenhouse Gases, ammonia emissions and work to improve water quality and increase biodiversity.

Tuesday, June 18 will focus on dairy systems, while Wednesday, June 19 will focus on beef and sheep systems.

Guided tours will be available at half-hourly intervals on both days; leaving from between 10am to 2.30pm on June 18, and 1pm to 5.30pm on June 19.

These tours will feature both AFBI scientists and invited guest speakers, and will last approxi-mately 90 minutes.

Topics include soil health, slurry management, grassland, animal genetics, nutrition and heifer rearing (on June 18), with suckler herd fertility being included on June 19.

After the guided tour, there will be opportunities to choose to go on a Feature Tour to the Bio-mass Connect Platform and a series of focus areas where AFBI scientists and CAFRE develop-ment advisers will be on hand to discuss wider themes within these topics and others such as animal health and welfare.

The wider agri-industry will also be present in a village area where farmers can engage with stakeholders in areas such health and safety on farm, education courses available in the agri-food sector, and farmers’ wellbeing, to name a few topics.

There will be lots to see, so all are welcome to come and spend a few hours or longer as it suits.

The events will close at 5.15pm on June 18, and 8.15pm on June 19.

Car parking will be in the Hillsborough Castle car park off the A1 dual carriageway and visitors will be transported to the event.

Registration for these events is essential and can be found at