THE Council for Catholic Maintained Schools (CCMS) has today (Tuesday) announced its plans to proceed to public consultation on the proposal to amalgamate St Comhghall's College, Lisnaskea and St Eugene's College, Roslea.

“A development proposal will be forwarded to the Education Authority in the near future,” a CCMS spokesman has said.

Sinn Fein's Phil Flanagan meanwhile has welcomed confirmation from CCMS that post-primary education will be retained at St Aidan's High School, Derrylin.

“There was never any support within this community to close the school and the proposal to transfer children to Lisnaskea was a non-runner,” he said.

“It is welcome that CCMS have listened to the views of the local community and I would like to commend the local action group that was established to campaign to keep the school open. I was delighted to support their efforts. They have demonstrated that rural communities can effectively campaign to protect vital services.

“I look forward to a successful future for the local community and wish the pupils and staff of St Aidan’s all the best for the future.”