It’s all about the children, isn’t it?
Yes indeed – the children of Bethlehem who were slaughtered by King Herod because he was threatened by the news of the birth of a new King.
Then it’s all about the presents isn’t it?
Yes indeed – the presents of gold, frankincense and myrrh offered by the visiting wise men from the east as their recognition that the infant Jesus was a Great King.
OK then - it’s all about the great songs we associate with Christmas isn’t it – like White Christmas, Jingle Bells or John Lennon singing “War is over”?
Yes indeed – Mary sang her song because her son to be born was going to be King of Israel, and the angels sang their song because ‘unto us is born this in the city of David a Saviour, Christ the Lord – the world’s true king and deliverer.
Right, well it’s all about being part of a family, isn’t it – that special day in the year when we all get together to share gifts, watch the TV and have a great meal – yes indeed it’s all about being part of the family.
“But unto all who received him ie received Jesus, he ( God) gave the right to become members of the family of God, yes, even to those who believed on His Name. John ch 1 v12. ie accepted him as God’s chosen King come to save the world.
Surely it’s all about love and peace and joy isn’t it, the season of good will and all that, burying the hatchet and starting again?
Yes indeed. For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in him would not perish but have everlasting life.
Well then it’s about watching a great film on TV, especially a love story and musical combined like “The Sound of Music” or a great epic about the battle between good and evil like “Lord of the Rings”.
Yes indeed – do you know the one about the king who comes in disguise to live as a poor man so that he might win his bride by his great love? That’s Jesus who came for his church.
And the one about the unlikely messiah who is chosen to face and defeat the forces of darkness? Yes that’s Jesus too.
What is it all about? It is about one fact that changes everything for everybody - the King has come! Come to His own world to set up his everlasting reign and put things right.
If people would accept him as their King and live as he teaches, there would be no slaughtered, starving children in Allepo and Yemen, no family feuds over the TV, no broken homes without presents and without love. This world needs a king to save it – Christmas tells us the king has come.
All you need to do now is believe it, bow down to him and serve him.